Snow Plowing and Lawn Care Tips



Snow Plowing and Lawn Care Tips   Spring Icon Summer Icon  leaf Snow Icon

When the seasons change we need to adjust with them. Some simple actions we take at the beginning or end of a season can save potential headaches and money. These are some simple tips for each season to refresh our memories.

Lawn Care Tips


Spring Icon  Spring

There are several actions you can take to improve the overall appeal of your property.

  • Spread granular, slow-acting fertilizer
  • Water your lawn frequently, especially if there has been a break in precipitation

Grass needs 1 to 2 inches of water (including rainfall) each week to thrive. The more hydrated your lawn is, the better the root growth will be. Leave grass clippings on lawn as they will decompose leaving nutrients such as nitrogen to the soil.


Summer Icon  Summer

  • Lawn mowing the turf around 3″, during warmer temperatures
  • Treat weeds and bare spots as soon as you see them
  • Maintain a well hydrated lawn ladybugs can provide a chemical-free way to reduce the pest population of harmful, plant-eating insects


leaf  Autumn

  • Water trees and shrubs thoroughly and mulch before the first frost
  • Cutting the grass a bit shorter just before winter will prevent matting under snow
  • Fall lawn care; remove all debris from turf, such as leaves and sticks
  • Core aerate turf every year!


Snow Plowing Tips


Snow Icon Winter

  • Putting markers at the edge of your lawn will help you avoid damaging it when you’re shoveling, snow blowing or snow plowing
  • If you can see the turf when the snow is still presence, avoid walking on it as much as possible.
  • When a snow event is prominent, make sure to get plenty of rest


Lawn Care profitibale in this economy?



Ring Lawn Care is all about service. We provide weekly lawn care and snow plowing services to residential and commercial clients. In this industry it is hard to just focus on one aspect of client. We still have 15 of the 20Lake Elmo Residential Lawn Mowing customers since conception in 2002.

Take a look at this residential home after we completed the mowing. No this is not a golf course or Photoshopped. My son cut this to perfection, at first glance his verbalization was “All I see is a golf course.”

Having commercial accounts does help us get through the tough MinneSnowta winters, but we rely on both residential and commercial clients throughout the growing season. (more…)

One Time Lawn Mowing


One Time Lawn Mowing

There are occasions established lawn care providers will take on “one time lawn mowing” jobs. Most hate to refuse work, but there are times they just have to. Newer lawn care providers may take on these type’s of requests in order to build-up a base of accounts, but soon will realize that they will have a hard time relying on a weekly lawn mowing income.

One time lawn mowing customers may be unaware of a lawn care provider list. List of factors may look like this:

  • Wear & tear on equipment
    Lawn Mower Maintenance

    Weekly Lawn Mower Maintenance

  • Client location
  • Maintenance of equipment
  • Scheduling
  • Customer service
  • Fuel
  • Hourly wages
  • Insurance

With a demanding weekly schedule and not losing sight of your beginnings, you have learned from your mistakes. With this in mind, when a potential client should call for a “One time lawn mowing“, you need to let them know that your schedule is set up for weekly lawn care.


Owning A Lawn Mowing  Business

Being your own boss comes with much responsibility. There are many aspects that were not thought of in the very beginning. Landscape provider’s must watch the bottom line more accurately and wisely as the cost of living continues to rise.

Basic costs a lawn mowing business cannot overlook:compose_256px

  1. Insurance
  2. Workmen Compensation
  3. Fuel per month
  4. Hourly wages
  5. Part and labor costs
  6. Taxes
  7. Advertising/Marketing
  8. Annual D.O.T. inspection

These are only a few of the most over-looked aspects of this industry.

If you have lost the passion or love for your lawn mowing business don’t just hang it up or quit. Take a step back and start over, YES I said start over. Reevaluate your commitment to yourself, employees and customers.

Operating a lawn mowing business can be scary in any economy. Having the right people in place for your operation will create time for you to market and promote weekly services. If you think your lawn business will run itself after it has grown, forget it. The landscape industry is demanding. Only hard-working and committed individuals will succeed.


Lawn Care Estimate

Lawn Care Estimate

When browsing the internet for lawn care services, do you expect a free lawn care estimate? The answer is simple; Yes you do. As an outdoor service provider, Ring Lawn Care will suggest services you may have overlooked or had not known existed that will be the best fit for you.

As a consumer you shop around for the best estimate and service provider. Who would not want the greatest lawn care service with the best prices? There are some really great and honest services out there, you just need to keep searching until you find one that satisfies all your lawn care needs.



What To Expect When Receiving An Estimate

Lawn care providers usually have a structured system when giving an estimate. But hold your wallet close until the bottom line is established. Just like any business or corporation they may seem higher than what you expected.

You must realize that you are actually hiring a professional landscape company. You are requesting an estimate for something you have little care to perform yourself. Maybe you just do not have the time to take care of it yourself, or you cannot physically handle your property maintenance anymore.

One thing will always remain constant, the cost of living. Most providers are fair and need to make a living, but there are those who try to push too far. Some are merely learning as they go and others are flat-out trying to take you to the cleaners.



Weekly Lawn Care

Multiple Service Estimates

Here is a quick list of items you should have ready to be estimated before a provider arrives to your property. Even if you think you do not need any of these services, it is always a good idea to get the most out each estimate.

Ask Your Lawn Care Provider

  • What service does my turf really need?
  • How will these services benefit my turf?
  • When will results of your lawn care be noticeable?
  • What do I need to do?

Final Note

The experience of working with lawn care and snow plowing customers around the Stillwater, Lakeland and  Hudson areas, have shown that they are always going to search for the next best thing at the lowest price. Some of these customers have settled for the best “Salesman” before, I have suggested they “Go with their gut feeling”.

As a landscape business owner, I will continue making attempts with customers to provide better service. When receiving an estimate from a lawn care service or any service, remember the old saying: “You get what you pay for”.

Fall Lawn Care

Yard Clean Up

Request Estimate

Spring & Fall Clean Up

Completing a few fall lawn care projects can save a lot of work before the lilac trees start blooming. A last sprucing of the lawn before winter will benefit your turf come spring.

The gratification of not only being able to look back at your work and see your accomplishment, but when spring does shine on us you will see all your fall leaf clean up efforts have paid off.

Spring Clean up is very similar to fall clean up. We will use a tine rake to remove dead grass while vacuuming up debris. Any grasses that were not cut-back last fall will be maintained.

Fall Leaf Clean Up and Lawn Care

The Leaf Clean Up Process

Ring Lawn Care provides leaf clean up for your landscaping and turf. All debris will be removed and disposed of properly. For instance, in your garden that has already been prepped for winter, to the curb for pick up or in a wooded area are great places you can utilize. The very last lawn mowing (2″ to 2 1/2″ cut) for the year is performed and the grass clippings will be collected as well.

  • Our team will use back pack blowers that blow out debris from landscaping, deck and turf areas
  • We use commercial lawn mowers that are equipped with a leaf vacuum bagging system for leaf and grass collection
  • Leaf truck equipped with a powerful vacuum helps us remove debris from your property (removal fee will incur)

Do you have a wooded lot with a designated compost area? If so, this will result a cost-efficient leaf clean up

I had open heart surgery 2 weeks ago so I was unable to pick up my leaves, sticks and other debris from the yard. Your crew took care of everything and the yard looks great!!! Thank you!!!

Renee Johnson ~ Stillwater, MN


Fall lawn care tips that will benefit your turf

The benefits of a leaf clean up will ultimately prevent thatch build up over the winter months. If fall lawn care has not been performed you will definitely recognize the decline in your turfs health come spring. Over the summer your soil has become compacted or matted either from foot traffic or the lawn mower(see lawn aeration).

Core Aeration

Lawn aeration needs to be performed every season. An aerator plugs three-inch holes into the turf which relieves compaction of the soil. This will allow nutrients, air and fertilizer to find their way to the root zones of the grass plant. You can rent an aerator at your favorite rental outfit, but would suggest hiring a professional, it is more physical than one could imagine. When spring comes you will be patting yourself on the back for performing this action, because the results are amazing.

Fall Fertilitizer

Fertilization early to late fall will benefit your turf and help prevent disease, snow mold and many other unwanted entities. Applying a potassium and nitrogen slow release granular fertilizer will help green up and build a solid root grass when spring arrives. If you have a dog/s, cleaning the feces from the turf will prevent the spreading of many diseases your lawn or possibly you won’t care for.

Fertilization and weed control Lake Elmo, MN

Core Aeration Stillwater, MN

Estimate Request

Please Choose Service/s


5 + 10 =


Quotes are usually completed in less than 24 hours. Most estimates are completed in an hour.


We accept most credit cards as payment. No need to write checks or handle cash.


An online client portal to check your activity and update your information.


Full coverage liability insurance that covers you and our employees.


No early termination fee. You probably will not cancel anyway.

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