Snow and Ice Management

Serving Stillwater and Lake Elmo Since 2002





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Commercial Snow Services

Commercial property snow service is very important to potential clients, employees, and property owners. This is why our company provides snow depths of 1″ or no tolerance snow service.

Snow Plowing

Parking Lot De-Icing

Sidewalk Clearing

Sidewalk De-Icing

Push back Snow Piles

Haul Snow Off Property

Lot Clean Up

Liquid Anti-Icing

24/7 Lot Monitoring

Commercial Snow Plowing

Commercial Snow Plowing

Sidewalk Equipment


Snow Blowing

Snow Shoveling

Snow Hauling

Snow Plowing

We offer snow plowing programs structured for your property. Ring Lawn Care knows winter time can be difficult in Minnesota and dangerous at times. 

Current clients will tell you, we are there when you need us. Commercial snow removal clients can be found near Stillwater, Lake Elmo, Bayport, and Mahtomedi.

Ring Lawn Care provides Snow Plowing of parking lots. Using top of the line equipment to handle Minnesota winters.  Skid loader machines, tractors with snow plows, pick up trucks with snow plows help with larger square footage. 

These machines and plow trucks give us the ability to put snow in the least desired area/s of your property, allowing a more natural flow for traffic.

Snow plowing requires stamina and commitment. Our team will be well rested so we can service your needs all year long. We use top of the line sidewalk snow clearing machines and snow shovels keeping your walkways snow-free.

Commercial Parking Lot Snow Plowing Service Stillwater, MN

De-Icing / Anti-Icing

De-Icing materials are not cheap, neither are lawsuits. We understand the importance of safety for your customers and employees. Ring Lawn Cares clock-work style snow service will put your mind at ease for any icy conditions.

We have the ability to spread road salt on your parking lot, but we also provide the Anti-icing ability to prevent ice from forming using liquid brine.

Our environmentally friendly liquids are specifically designed to prevent snow and ice buildup before it starts – greatly reducing your slip and fall liability. When temperatures get out of road salt range, this is an incredible way to keep your property safe.

Our pro-active approach requires 24/7 monitoring of weather conditions. Sidewalks and driving areas are your primary gateway for business as usual. So do not let ice prevent customers or employees from entering your business property.

Anti-icing Commercial Property Ice management Stillwater, MN
Parking Lot Salting Stillwater, MN

Snow Service Agreement

When we agree to provide snow plowing service to a customer they can count on us being there when we say we will. Seasonal packages, monthly or per time snow services are available, but do fill up quickly. Setting up snow service prior to a snow event is your best chance to receive prompt service.

We make a commitment to you and our staff works hard to ensure a quality job is done the first time, every time. After the storm we will inspect our work in order to keep you safe and on the road.


Estimate Request

Please Choose Service/s


8 + 13 =


Quotes are usually completed in less than 24 hours. Most estimates are completed in an hour.


We accept most credit cards as payment. No need to write checks or handle cash.


An online client portal to check your activity and update your information.


Full coverage liability insurance that covers you and our employees.


No early termination fee. You probably will not cancel anyway.


1925 Oak St W.

Stillwater, MN

Ring Lawn Care provides weekly lawn mowing, lawn care, fertilizer and weed control, irrigation repair service, landscaping and snow plowing for residential and commercial customers near:

Stillwater, Lake Elmo, West Lakeland, Grant, Mahtomedi

Licensed and Fully Insured

Copyright © 2024 Ring Lawn Care

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