Before The 2016 GIE+EXPO

Truly felt like I was leaving my whole world behind, but at the same time continuing my lawn care industry journey. gie

The GIE+EXPO is still fresh on my mind and has been one memory that constantly pokes at me. Meeting so many people and having countless conversations about life & business will be something I cherish for a long time. Or until next year.

Lawn Care Business Setbacks Are Temporary

Lawn Care Business Setbacks Are Temporary


When a mower or truck breaks down it feels like the end of the world for us in the Lawn Care Industry. Sure work needs to get done, but we need not panic. Letting anger and frustration get the best of YOU will only make your situation worse.
The years of breakdowns, employee turnover & customers moving on have shown me that tomorrow is a new day. Those years have also introduce me to words like patience and perseverance.
As time has passed during my working career, wisdom has been gained. I have spent many night’s wondering when “That Part” would get here or “How Am I Going To Fix This?” Let me tell you, worrying has never got me or anybody, anywhere. It is only “Temporary”.

Drugs Alcohol Sobriety

Drugs, Alcohol & Sobriety

My life has not always been an easy road, it is still work, just a different type of road. Growing up in South Minneapolis, there Ringahding2016were many tribulations that were presented to me. Drugs and alcohol were a real part of my up bringing. I had loved ones die from using drugs, others faced harsh consequences due to substance abuse.

After I graduated high school, I started to experiment myself. I had occasionally used drugs and drank alcohol during my youth, but when I was finally on my own that is when the real problems began. After many stays in jail and nights sleeping on the street, I knew I wanted better! It took a real conscious decision to put down the drugs, alcohol and cigarettes.

Today, my life is what most people dream of. I cannot begin to tell you how grateful I am that life turned out the way it has for me. Now I help those in my industry, friends and family by sharing my story. My hopes is that some of my story will shed some light for those that are going through similar trying times.



Don’t Quit

Don’t Quit

They say most businesses fail in the early years. Why is that? Lack of commitment? Not as easy as they thought? Being an Don't Quit 2016entrepreneur is not easy.

For many years prior and during my business years, I failed over and over. Did I quit? Well, if that is not obvious I don’t know what is. Refusing to lose became a real thing for me in 2011.

After the first eight seasons of struggling to make ends meet and make the phone ring, I found a new mind set that catapulted results!


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