Lawn Care guy offers access inside WordPress


How to save Time and Money setting up your WordPress website
Take a tour inside WordPress and follow along with outline & videos!
Info about Hosting & Themes
WordPress will make your lawn care website look professional

WordPress Does Not Discriminate


If you listened to the video on this page, a little imagination is required. Understand WordPress does not care what type of business you own. WordPress is waiting for you to create content and will be the perfect platform to tell the world about your company.

No matter if you are selling a product or providing a service, WordPress allows you to showcase your talents and items. Finding and implementing WordPress for my business has been the greatest thing I have ever done for my company.

What Does WordPress offer?

  • Volunteers from around the world working on free software for you
  • Resources that can only point your business or niche in the right direction
  • Content management like no other platform out there
  • You the ability to create a professional website in an hour or less
  • Top of the line free software and free plugins

An introduction to “What WordPress is?” can be found here Do not be discouraged If you are new to WordPress, I know it looks like something from outer space.

WordPress Guts Will Help Get You Found 

My name is Bryan Ring, I am the owner of a landscape company called Ring Lawn Care. Established in 2002, the first eight years were a struggle getting our name on the map. Enter WordPress! Since finding WordPress in 2010, my company went from “How do we pay our bills” to a more than profitable business.

I have created something that will save you time and money setting your website up for success. With step by step videos and an written outline of resources and tips that will set you apart from your competition.

WordPress gives you the tools to take your WordPress site to a level that will leave you asking yourself, “Why didn’t I do this in the first place”? The fact is, it does not matter if you are a business owner or a self proclaimed blogger, WordPress will make you look great.

What Is Included In This Work Shop?

Now you are getting the idea that WordPress is not just a “One Hit Wonder”. Scouring the internet for countless hours and days to find the best for my website, I offer an outline that is packed with How To Videos & Resources. WordPress literally put Ring Lawn Care on the map in a very short time and I believe this will put you on the map too.

My checklist for best results include free WordPress Plugins that will make you look like an professional. Not to mention techniques that will catapult your website in the search rankings. Also included are great resources to help you with customizing your site, photos and much more.

As I have grown into my own businesses, I have learned. Always learning from my mistakes and failures. Truly wished there was someone in my ear that could have pointed me in the direction I am heading now. This workshop has been created for those looking to build their own WordPress website. A series of videos and checklist outline that will help you get your WordPress website set up and much more.
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