The representative pulled out his IPhone and started showing me attachments for this machine that would be coming out this year. My mind was blown! A compact machine for mowing & snow?
That Spring I went to my equipment dealer (Gruber’s Power Equipment – Maplewood, Minnesota) to purchase this machine. Speaking with one of their employees about the attachments, I voiced how the sweeper attachment would be a game changer for my company.
In September my family & I visited the Minnesota State Fair. And you know I had to stop by the Toro booth. Speaking with two friendly representatives about the Multi Force, they were amazed by this machine. Since I felt like it was going to be a game changer for us, I wanted to pick their brains about the attachments.
I spoke of how I purchased this machine and the two facets it was going to serve my family lawn care operation of 15 years and they thought that was brilliant. They too reassured me that the sweeper was going to be for sale this Fall as well.
The next month (October) I visited the GIE+Expo in Louisville, Kentucky with some friends and made many more friends at this get together. Of course I had to stop by the Toro booth and there it was, the game changer!
The sweeper attachment that was going to limit how many people I needed to hire for snow removal this year. Man handle all of my commercial accounts that have a one inch tolerance.
We have been running all Toro 60″ sit down zero-turns for years & then I jump out and purchase a stander in hopes of having a Multi Purpose machine. Not 100% actually needing this machine for lawn mowing, this was more than a disappointment.
I completely stand behind the Toro product, as a matter of fact I have pointed several other landscape company owners to Toro. More than a few have actually purchased Toro machines from my equipment dealer, because of my more than satisfied experience.
Let’s face it, Toro & Ring Lawn Care are apart of this industry for more than the equipment we sell and use. We are in the people business. People do not like false promises.
Plenty of power, speed, and efficiency. We have experienced some slipping, but we did not purchase the wheel weights, merely because they want $380 for a set. Instead, we have our own weights from an old machine that has been sufficient. Also, purchased a set of rubber tire chains ($120) and the snow tires ($250).