Lawn Care Wall of Fame
Not long ago I was viewing a YouTube video created by Brian Shain of Top Notch Lawn Care in Kansas that got me pumped! His story of how he has come up in the lawn care business resonated with me, especially because he is a family man like myself.
At the time I had been following his channel for about a month or so. In the video he was asking other lawn care professionals to send him pictures or anything they have made representing their company.
Describing his wall as the “Lawn Care Wall of Fame”. Right away I had an idea to send him something hoping to fill the void on his walls. So I sent my idea via mail to him the very next day and waited and waited.
Finally, two weeks later he made THE video and opened some of his mail LIVE (recorded live). The first one he opens is MINE!!! You will have to watch the video to see his reaction, but this is not about Bryan Ring!
Lawn Care Wall of Fame Mail Call!
The second package he opened was from a high school baseball coach in Tennessee. In the video Brian speaks a little bit about his passion for baseball and how no kid should go without. Brian and the coach had spoke many times before about lawn care in the past.
So the coach sent Brian his wall cover. It was a poster of a baseball field with words from the coach written on it. What really choked me up were these words on this poster; “My job is to teach you what it takes to be successful”.
Brian mentions how some of these kids do not have enough money for baseball gloves, cleats & bats. He then states that he will leave a link in the description area if anyone can help out the coach and his team.
Writing a check before the video even finishes I email the coach, because I wanted to know exactly where my money was going and how it was going to be used. Keep in mind, at this point Brian and I have never spoken on the phone or even met each other.
The coach responded to my email and he pointed out that the zip code was wrong. So I changed it and through messaging relayed that to Brian so he can change it on his YouTube description.
After a few emails back and forth with the coach, the check was in the mail. Now I know my donation was not that big, but I knew it could help out a little bit. It was clear immediately that this meant a lot to Brian, so I did not hesitate.
Two weeks later after the coach and I had been playing email tag, he sends me an email. In the email he lets me know where my donation went and the impact it has made for two kids.
Near tears reading this email, I am humbled. The word “Passion” Runs through my veins about the lawn care industry. Coach Patrick Bunch loves baseball, kids and teaching; I am truly grateful that I could play a very small role in his “Passion”.

After Publishing This Article
The day I published this post, word clearly got back to the coach. I was calling customers when I noticed some messages (about 11 of them) come through on my Ring Lawn Care Business Page. To my amazement, they were from Coach Patrick Bunch! Here is the conversation:
“Hey this is Coach Patrick Bunch from The Top Notch video. Thanks again for your contribution. You are a Stand up guy. A town as small as ours, our field is one of the nicest around! You would never know about our struggles by looking at this! And it’s a city field on top of that.”
So at this point I am blown away! Blown away, because I only sent $50 and this is the gratitude coach has?! And tearing up at the same time. But, he does not stop there, no sir! He proceeds to let me know, well you read his words.
Coach Bunch: “I’m gonna send you some insight on our program and what I do as a coach. I’ve been here for 3 years now.” This link is an email between himself and his college coach. 2013-2014 BASEBALL INSIGHT
Just An Ordinary Guy
Now i am getting the urge to do my own research, so I did!! Here is my findings. This is an ordinary guy, doing extraordinary things that impact young people and a community! He is very proud, that is clear. Here is what I found! Humboldt Vikings Baseball Facebook Page
Coach Bunch: “This is definitely my calling to be here. It’s tough and I probably work harder here than I would any where else, but I don’t want anyone else doing less for these kids than I would!
I came up with our own “Ric Flare” chant that we do at the end of practices and games that we win. Here’s a video that the local news caught on camera and did a small piece on”
“Thank you sir for everything and then inspiring me to keep going brother” ~ Coach Patrick Bunch ~

It is an honor to be included in the Top Notch Lawn Care “Lawn Care Wall of Fame”! It is even more of an honor to give what I can to those that are in need!
Thank you Brian and Coach Patrick Bunch for bringing this in front of people, you are truly one of the good ones. Not just in the Lawn Care industry, but on the PLANET!